Torgiano: nestled in the heart of Umbria, an area rich in history and mysticism, characterized by popular traditions, art and authentic people. Whether you approach Torgiano from the Tiber River valley or that of the Chiascio River, you will be greeted by a veritable sea of vineyards. Viticulture here finds unique territories and shapes the landscape. In the distance, Perugia on one side and Assisi on the other, with a unique skyline of bell-towers outlining Umbria’s rolling hills. Vineyard cultivation has changed this village, giving it a character and a future. It all began in the ‘60s due to a visionary man: Giorgio Lungarotti.
Starting just after WWII Lungarotti had a dream: he was sure that the future of wine in Italy –and particularly in Umbria- was in quality production. With this aim he replanted his vineyards, picking the best indigenous varietals and introducing –since the early ‘60s-those international varietals that in a few decades would become present worldwide (such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay). Torgiano became the leading territory in the whole Umbria region that shortly after started its quality wine production.
Within the Torgiano territory, vines can take advantage of an environment where the climate and soil characteristics are enhanced by human labour. The distinctive temperature range between day and night at the end of the summer facilitates the creation of grape primary aromas as well as that of the precursors of the secondary aromas. The soil is generally medium-textured with a tufa subsoil, well drained and worked in terraces on the hill, where the vineyards exposure to the sun to West-South West allows to sunlight to easily reach the leaves from morning till sunset. From these vineyards come exceptional grapes, key players for the great quality recognised in the wines Torgiano DOC and DOCG Torgiano Rosso Riserva.
The Consortium (Consorzio di Tutela dei Vini di Torgiano) not only carries out the control activities that Italian law requires for the Consortium itself, but it also is a central element around which the wine producers develop their collaboration, research (both in vineyard and in winery) as well as hospitality policy. For its tradition in this activity the Municipality of Torgiano is the leader in the local wine road called Strada dei Vini del Cantico.
President: Maria Teresa Severini
Vice President: Mauro Fico
Counselor: Federico Bibi, Anita Stafissi, Alessandro De Filippis
Board of Auditors:
President: Michele Pispola
Auditors: Gianluca Bogini, Roberta Pontini
Viale Giorgio Lungarotti 2 – 06089 Torgiano (PG)
For any information you may require about our Consortium activities or concerning our member wineries you can contact us
BY PHONE +39 075 9886634
BY MAIL: info@consorziotutelavinitorgiano.it